FREE Homeschool Resources For Preschoolers!!

I remember when I first started preschool with my oldest (who is now 10). I looked into so many different curriculums and felt very overwhelmed by all of the options out there. Should I really pay $350 for a preschool program for my 4 year old? Thankfully I had some older homeschool moms in my life who encouraged me to have a very “light” preschool and to just stick with fun activities, coloring, and continue to teach them through real-life.

I can’t tell you how thankful I am that I listened! Preschool was not a stressful time for us, and I think it would’ve been if I would’ve tried to put us on a strict schedule with a 4 year old and a 1 year old. Especially since I’m one of those people that goes a little crazy when I’m on a strict schedule. 🙂 I’m sure the kids would’ve felt my tension.

All that to say, we just put up a new FREE homeschooling resource page just for Preschoolers!! There are so many fun (and free) activities and printable worksheets online that you can incorporate into your day with preschoolers.

Whether you are a person who DOES like schedules and want to schedule every activity out, or someone who wants to do an activity or two a day, or someone who desperately needs something for their preschool age child to do while they teach older ones (that’s where we are right now!), then there is something for you on the FREE Preschool Resources Page!

Please let us know if you have any other suggestions or things that have been helpful for you as you “do school” with your little ones. 🙂

AND, if you’re looking for resources for other subjects, we are adding new subjects throughout the week! Just look up in the dark blue navigation bar at the top of the page where it says “Home”, “Full Curriculums” (yes, Webster’s says that “curriculums” is just fine, even though technically it’s “curricula”), “Core Subjects”, etc… 😉

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