Free Homeschool Spelling Curriculum: Spelling City

Get a FREE Complete Spelling curriculum online with Spelling City!!

Spelling City

Spelling City has been around for a while now, and it’s definitely one of the top homeschooling resources available!  You can use it AS your spelling and vocabulary curriculum since there are pre-set word lists or you can enter your own word lists and have your students practice and learn their words in Spelling City.

Spelling City has several great resources on their site to help teach spelling.  Some of the features you’ll find on Spelling City:

  • Spelling Tests
  • Flash Cards
  • Learning Activities
  • Learning Games
  • Vocabulary Learning
  • More…

Go here to check out Spelling City. For more free online Spelling resources, check out our FREE Spelling Curriculum Options Resources page!

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  1. I have used VocabularySpellingCity with the students in my classroom for over five years. In fact, my entire school now has premium memberships for every teacher. I was so impressed with the site and how it affected student learning that I shared it through various social media platforms. I am now compensated to work with VocabularySpellingCity after school as a social media consultant. Thank you for sharing VocabularySpellingCity!



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