Download A FREE Audiobook From Audible!

If you haven’t tried out Audible yet, you can get a completely free audio book when you sign up for their FREE 30 day trial!

Please keep in mind that they will automatically start charging you $14.95 per month (and you get 1 book per month) after your trial is over if you haven’t cancelled your subscription BEFORE the 30 days are up, so definitely set a reminder on your calendar to cancel if you don’t want a new audiobook for $14.95 each month.

I did the free 30 day trial a couple of years ago and got a book that I had been wanting to listen to for a while.  I downloaded the book to my iTunes library and then cancelled my Audible account without a problem.

There are all kinds of fun audio books that you could download with your credit!  A few of the Elsie Dinsmore books are available to download, as well as Ann Frank’s diary, SEVERAL biography and history books, and lots of great classics! is powered by Amazon, so no need to enter your credit card info since Amazon already has it on file.  🙂  (If somehow you’ve managed to avoid giving Amazon a credit card number then you’ll need to enter one).  Just, again, be sure to remember to hit the cancel button in your account details of your Audible account before the 30 days are up if you don’t want to keep buying audio books each month!

Disclosure: The links in the post above are affiliate links. We will never post something just because there’s an affiliate link, but if there is one we will definitely use it! Using the links in the post above help to keep the content of How To Homeschool For Free… FREE! :)

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