FREE $2 Amazon Video On Demand Credit – Rent A $1.99 Educational Movie!

Did you know that Amazon has TONS of educational movies (biographies, documentaries, science movies) to rent through their video on demand system?

Typically the movies can range anywhere from 99¢ (older movies and their weekly specials) – $4.99 (new releases) to rent, but most of the movies are right at $1.99. And right now Amazon Local (the daily deal part of Amazon) is giving away a completely FREE $2 Amazon Video On Demand credit!

Yeah, completely free. You don’t have to buy anything to get it. What’s the catch? Amazon is going to start sending you their daily deal emails in hopes that you will actually buy something in the future. They are more than happy to give you a $2 credit to put you on their email list. But I’m okay with that. 🙂

Here’s how to get the deal:

1. Head over to Amazon Local and sign up for an account if you don’t have one already.

2. Pick your city and scroll down to the extra deals towards the bottom of the page and you should see an image like the one at the top of this post.

3. Click on that image and “purchase” the deal. Keep in mind that you will have to give them a credit card number, but you will not be charged. I definitely recommend always using a credit card rather than a debit card when making any online purchases.

4. You’ll receive the code on your “Your Vouchers” page on the Amazon Local site.

5. Then head over to Amazon before October 31st and pick a movie to rent!

I’ve really been wanting to watch Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution with the kids (we’ve been talking a lot about creation and evolution lately) so since that’s just $1.99 it’s perfect!

Let us know what movies you find that would be good to rent!!

(And if you are new to Amazon Video On Demand, some of the images on the movie covers are just completely awful, so I definitely would recommend browsing through without the kids looking over your shoulder.)

Disclosure: The links in the post above are affiliate links. We will never post something just because there’s an affiliate link, but if there is one we will definitely use it! Using the links in the post above help to keep the content of How To Homeschool For Free… FREE! 🙂

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