Election Day Freebies For Homeschoolers + Our Plan For Today!

Happy Election Day!

After we finish our reading and math lessons this morning we’ll be focusing on the election for the rest of the day (and night as we watch the results come in!)

Jody and I have put together lots of great resources to learn about our government and the election process so be sure to check out the Government & Elections Page if you would like some extra help in putting together some resources today.

Also, if you have your “I Voted” sticker you can get TONS of election day freebies (plus several coupons and great deals) today!

Here’s my plan for this afternoon:

1.  Watch the Schoolhouse Rock electoral college video (scroll down to the bottom of the link).
2.  Watch today’s free BrainPop video on voting.  (We actually have a subscription to BrainPop for the iPad.  It’s $6.99 a month but worth every penny in my opinion!  You can also just watch the daily free video when you download the free app!)
3.  Go through the Congress For Kids election process and spend a good amount of time talking about it this afternoon while my youngest takes a nap.
4.  Once Ryan gets home, take the kids with us to go vote!
5.  Watch the election coverage tonight with the kids and fill out this awesome Electoral College Tracking Map & Tally Sheet with the kids as the results come in. Also, when you print out the list to track the votes, it has the number of electoral votes for each state to the left of the state name!

What activities will you be doing with your kids today?

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  1. LOL – that is pretty much exactly what we are going to do today – pizza party tonight while we watch after taking the kids to the polls with us. We actually started yesterday with some of the resources that you posted today. But I am looking forward to checking out the other resources that you posted. Thanks!



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