Free Physical Education Activity Log!

Are you new to homeschooling and wondering how to “teach” PE? Or, are you a veteran needing to keep records for your high schooler? In either case, we’ve got you covered with this FREE handy physical education activity log! Create your own list of physical education activities and log them with your own activity log. This is a wonderful mix and match way to teach homeschool PE and it’s really easy to tailor your activities to the ages of your kids.

A PE activity list for younger kids might include 20 minutes of calisthenics like jumping jacks, push-ups, or toe touches, a 10-minute yoga routine, 10 minutes on the trampoline, or a game of tag or hide-and-seek with siblings. Older kids can do any of the above, plus a mile-long hike or walk, 10 minutes of laps in a pool, or a quick game of basketball in the driveway, or even catch or tag in the yard.

The activity log is a way for your children to track their physical activity every day. They pick an activity or two from the options of your choosing. Once complete, they log the date, time spent, and what they did.

Note: for high schoolers, 60 total hours of activity equals 1/2 credit for PE on a transcript; and 120 hours equals a full credit.

Print out your very own PE Activity Log here, for free!

Looking for more ideas? Check out our PE resources for homeschoolers.

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