- How To Homeschool For FREE - https://howtohomeschoolforfree.com -

How To Navigate HowToHomeschoolForFree.com!

How can How To Homeschool For Free help you?

My biggest goal for this website is to help others find FREE resources for homeschooling in a way that is NOT overwhelming!

I don’t know about you guys, but sometimes I feel so overwhelmed by all of the blogs and Pinterest boards about homeschooling that are out there.   Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE blogs, and I LOVE Pinterest [1] (maybe a little too much), but hopefully this will be a site where you can feel a little more relaxed and come to when you need to easily find some free homeschooling resources!

While this site is set up in a blog format (because I love blog format and it let’s us update the front page of the site with random things that we find!) the MEAT of the site is in the navigation bar up at the top of the page.

You can find FREE resources for just about any subject that you are looking for and we are adding new topics each week!

Just hover your mouse over the different menu options (as shown in the picture below) to see all of the subjects that we have added so far.


And if you want to be updated when new subjects are added then just click on that subscribe button down below this post to be added to our email list!

Please feel free to ask questions any time and either me, Jody, and/or our awesome homeschooling community will try to help you out!  🙂